
Free Play has never been shy about our goals. We want real arcades (and real arcade machines) anywhere, everywhere, forever. And while we’re still forging our path placing full-sized arcades across DFW, we’re also turning our attention to the other places that used to house arcade machines. The Arcade Anywhere Project aims to place real, authentic, awesome arcade machines in movie theaters, bars, breweries, and any other business that wants / needs an arcade machine.

As one of the largest holders of retro arcade machines in the world, Free Play has a ton of inventory of amazing arcade games that sit in our massive warehouse just waiting for their turn at one of our arcades. And honestly, though we’re expanding rapidly, we’ll always have these amazing games that unfairly sit in a warehouse. The solution to this problem is the Arcade Anywhere Project – placing amazing games in a wide variety of businesses. While we’ve already teamed up with a variety of businesses, we’re in the process of rolling more and more games out across the Metroplex and we’re always looking for partners!

To be clear, the games in the Arcade Anywhere Project are not set to Free Play like those in our arcades. The Arcade Anywhere arcade games charge one quarter ($.25) per credit and the pinball machines charge two quarters ($.50) per credit. These are the lowest rates in the industry and we do not expect this project to be substantially profitable. This is, in all honesty, about getting more quality arcade games into the world.

And just like the games in our arcades, we make every effort to provide the Arcade Anywhere games to the world in original, factory condition. It’s our crusade to rid the world of bad emulation and knockoff parts. We cringe when we see our competitors rely on crappy, illegal emulators and other greedy shortcuts to make a quick buck off of your nostalgia. It’s lazy, lame, and can permanently affect a consumer’s view of their favorite games. We hate that.

If you have any other questions about this service, feel free to contact stephanie@freeplayinc.com. If you’d like to report an issue with a game, please visit our Report a Problem page.

– Team Free Play